This will be the first time since... well... maybe ever, that I've watched a Seahawks game by myself. So why not include the Mustacheers. That's right! A running commentary on today's epic battle!
Billick just called our Offense a tallented group. Meanwhile... a GOLDEN TATE SIGHTING!!!! It was really a route or anything though... so don't get too excited.
BTW (by the way) expect plenty of hilarious typos today
Interecepted by Will Herring? That was the craziest call I've ever heard. Wrong player, wrong team, wrong call. It doesn't get any worse than that. Bravo.
Seattle punts after MH does his best backup QB from Necessary Roughness impression.
Ok.. may have jumped the gun a bit. Game don't start for another 20 minutes or so.
Looks like Benny and Big Mike are out.
and looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
We gonna woooork nooooow.
Packed house at candlestick.
Crowd really seems to be behind Alex Smith.
Did Fox get The Rock soundtrack for these player intros?
Brian Westbrook, what is he like 50? I could tackel that guy
Nice job Hawks. Very impressive first defensive stand like most weeks. FRAAAAAAACK!!!!! Niners 7 Hawks 0
I cant wait until we learn how to cover a TE
Leon Washington doe shis best Napolean Kauffman impression.
Billick just called our Offense a tallented group. Meanwhile... a GOLDEN TATE SIGHTING!!!! It was really a route or anything though... so don't get too excited.
BTW (by the way) expect plenty of hilarious typos today
Our recent WR injury history is funnier than anything we could ever write on this shitty blog
Interecepted by Will Herring? That was the craziest call I've ever heard. Wrong player, wrong team, wrong call. It doesn't get any worse than that. Bravo.
Seattle punts after MH does his best backup QB from Necessary Roughness impression.
Aaron Curry keeps this up and I might quit calling him Eddy.
Let's see what the Hawks can do with this sweet field pos.
Stokely time. All he does... is catch first downs.
Seriously... what the hell is with this theme music!?!? Is it just my tv???
Stokely time
Household name Ruvell Martin for 6! I LOVE THIS THEME MUSIC!!!!!!
Guys really seem like there getting closer and closer to blocking out PATs
Let's celebrate with some Italian Meatball soup!
You cant try and cover ruvell martin with just 2 guys
God, all 300o Niner fans in attendance REALLY don't liek Alex Smith.
Have some Alex.
Laaaaaaaame. Blocked field goal is good. 10 - 7 Niners.
Holy shit!!! That was the most amazing play Ive ever seen by Curry.
Anyone know how many more games the 49ers can lose before they are eliminated from playoff contention?
Jesus Robinson.....
Third downs are really close to turning in to a West Side Story style gang fight
This has been bad luck... f this.
Ha, West side story...l just saw that. Good stuff
Tatupu just got lit up. Three guys could make that play. None did.
Alex Smith is their captain? L. O. L.
Jeff Reed?!?!?
What on earth was that music they were playing during the game? It felt like I was watching a football movie
Bobby, this is the funniest thing you could have posted. Haha.
Third downs are really close to turning in to a West Side Story style gang fight
Laaaaaaaame. Blocked field goal is good. 10 - 7 Niners.
Packed house at candlestick.
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