It's time for my annual Royal Rumble post. For those new to the site... and by those I mean Sinc... go back and check out some of the older Rumble posts. You'll like em even if you don't like wrasslin'. (I think I said the exact same thing last year. Broken record).
Anyway... this one will be short and sweet ... and more of a request than anything.
You see I retired last Wrestlemania when HBK did. Barely watched a clip since. I've been trying to research a little. Looks like Nexus(?) is a big deal? And there's 40 guys this year?
Mustacheers, I put it to you! Clue me in to what's going down in the WWE. Help.
If a man is thrown over the top rope BOTH of his feet must hit the floor.
Gold Dust is gonna win!!!
I'm sorry, but I can't contain myself - I mean, who DOESN'T wanna see an overweight, middle-aged flamboyant homo-sexual who covers himself in gold paint become the world champion? A true underdog story if you ask me - and you SHOULD ask me because I am CLEARLY up to date with my wrestling knowledge....GOLD DUST, GOLD DUST, GOLD DUST!!!!!
Well if it came down to him and Razor I think he'd have a shot chico.
AAAAAAHHHHHHH PAINFUL MEMORIES!!!!! I can't discuss this anymore - this will be my last comment on this subject.....EVER!!!!!!
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