It's the moment all our female Mustacheers wait for allllll year long. That's right, shirtless pics of beefcakes!!! Yep, it's the 2nd Annual HCM Weight Loss Challenge! (I wish I knew had to add music to these posts, 'cuz right now it'd play the track the Sonics used to play when announcing their starting lineups... wouldn't that be sweet?)
We've actually got a much larger group on competitors this year... let's meet them, shall we? ...
Like last year, the names and faces have been hidden to protect the innocent. But unlike last year, calling them "Dots" (stupid), I'd like to go in more of a Tarantino direction and name them Reservoir Dogs style. Here we go:
- MR. RED 205.4 pounds
Last year's champ has bragging for weeks about winning this thing two years in a row! Not sure that's something to be proud of.
- MR. BLUE 188.0 pounds
Last year's last place finisher... or as he'll remind you, Runner Up! Let's see if he can stay with the pack by contracting a weight eating stomach virus DURING the competition this year.
- MR. YELLOW 206.6 pounds
Surprising the second heaviest MR. in the competition. He carries it well.
- MR. GREEN 198.5 pounds
He's a hard worker I can tell you that much. Plus you probably burn a ton of calories fighting subway rats and bashing Yankee fans. He's got a shot.
- MR. PURPLE 249 pounds
Our final entrant, and a real dark horse if you ask me. He's the heaviest, so he's got the most to lose. We'll see if he can pull it off.
Ok! that's it. The prize has yet to be determined, but it will be mutually decided upon by all of the MR's. We'll hopefully try and keep you updated. I know you care. The competition ends the Wednesday evening before the first round of this years March Madness... or as I like to call it: "The Cougs first game in their march to glory"
Good luck everyone!
two kids, two jobs, a wife, and i still plan on winning this thing. last time i was this motivated the berlin wall came down.
So much for annonymity
oh yeah. oh well. i was just so excited about talking some shit. Ill be sure to keep my face behind the yellow dot from now on
Has anyone had a steak quesadilla from Qdoba? Man, they are delicious!
The least healthy meal any of you whales could choke down would be one of my flavorful knuckle sandwiches. This just got real.
......and really scary!
Mark "the Situation" Rossolo
oh yeah. oh well. i was just so excited about talking some shit. Ill be sure to keep my face behind the yellow dot from now on
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