Loyal Mustacheer EP passed this one... and it's one of the greatest links I've ever seen.
You know the affinity we have for Mr. Sheen at this site, and his latest string of media interactions jsut hammers home what we already know. Wild Thing is the fucking man!
Agreed! Wild Thing has taken his craft to a whole new level - its crazy to think he almost gave up the whole "wild" lifestyle for a cold, calculating, financially obsessed blonde chick the year they faced Chicago in the ALDS - we almost lost him to the yuppies! Thank god the chick from Dazed and Confused and a few punk ass kids were there to right the ship. KEEP ON ROCKIN' RICKY!!!!!
Her last film I believe. At least until she grew a giant conehead.
That was one sexy alien - that love scene with Farley is so HOT!!!!
You could say that about any Chris Farley "love" scene. My personal favorite is in Billy Madison when a giant, assumed to be imaginary until this point, penguin gives him a hand job.
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