Alright Mustacheers, you wanted it you got it! (Fard, '03)
While I didn't think that "Other" was the best title up for vote, I can't ignore the results. Thanks for voting everyone, and eff off to the 15 of you who didn't.
Well, without further delay, here's your "Other" filing for this week:
Up until Monday Yuniesky Betancourt had a higher batting average than on-base percentage. I'm sure this comes as a shock to many of you, as it did to me, but feast your eyes, it's the truth. But how can someone get hits more often than he gets on base? That's like having sex with more girls than you meet. (or guys, for the female mustacheers and Foy)
As we all know, Yuni has never been the most patient hitter. In fact, I think I exhibited more patience on rides to the Everett Toys R' Us after not finding a Tatanka figure in Alderwood. (The analogies are really flowing now! Let's see if I can get a few more in) Case in point, Yuni walked for the first time on May 4th, after 90 ABs. For an everyday player to go a month without getting walked is quite a feat. I mean, this guy swings more wildly than a married couple who likes to have sex with multiple partners outside of their marriage. (Uh-oh, I'm fading)
But still, how does the OBP get lower than the AVG.? The only explanation I can come up with is that he's had a couple of sacrifices that count against his OBP but not against his AVG. But c'mon, penalizing a guy for his sacrifices? We're treating this guy like he's Jack Bauer! (And I'm back!)
As of right now, however, Yuni's AVG. has dipped back below his OBP, thus restoring order to the baseball world. An order that we can expect to last, unless a giant star is suspended for taking women's fertility drugs.
That is pretty amazing. But let's change the title to the second runner up. Other invokes memories of the Others. Which invokes memories of Lost... which is awesome all on it's own.
The people voted bro. Now they live with their mistake.
you mislead the faithful on this one Erik. I'm sure we all thought that Other was in reference to, "if all the rest of these titles suck ass (which they did) vote other and we can think of a new title". just another example of Anderson arrogance. I guess we are just lucky to be a part of something so cool, right?
Now you're gettin' it!
Yeah, I guess that's more or less the case here. And Jimi, you don't have to reiterate how cool you think this site is. We get it, I mean when someone writes a response to EVERY post we understand that he thinks the blog is very, very cool.
i'm just happy to be a part of something so great. but now worries, i'll scale it back
I wasn't asking you to do that. I was just hoping you would embrace your affection for this site and all who write for it.
Now you're gettin' it!
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