
Summer Movie Score Card

I've seen just about every "blockbuster" they've put out so far this summer. Nothing has approached Delgo territory, but Angels and Demons gave it a run.

Just saw Terminator last night. Awesome. Although Bale is in full Batman form... doesn't matter. Best one of the season.

Terminator Salvation.... 4.5 Stars
X-Men Origins: Wolverine.... 4 Stars (If Tim Riggins had pulled off the Cajun accent, we'd be looking at a 5 starer)
Star Trek.... 4 Stars
Angels and Demons.... 2 Stars

For more detailed analysis... email me.

What should I see next?

Post suggestions below... or I'm shutting down the blog.


Erik said...

I saw Terminator last night. I don't know if I would give it that high of a rating, mostly because I felt like there was some bad acting in there. Michael Ironside was pretty awful.

Other than that it was pretty good.

Mr. F said...

Michael Ironside? Pretty Awful?

I'm currently reacting like one of the two Bobs (McGinley) in Office Space after Lundberg questioned Peter's work perperformance.

Erik said...

Acting-wise he was pretty bad. I don't know maybe it was the script, but a lot of the delivery seemed wooden.

Look, I'm not critiquing his illustrious career, but this performance seemed sub-par.

Also, was Marcus supposed to be Australian? I didn't notice an accent in the beginning, but then it seemed like he had a little bit of one in the middle and towards the end. Maybe Colin Farrell was his voice coach.

Erik said...

As for suggestions, what about The Hangover?

I think it should be pretty decent. I like all of the main actors. Although, there's something about the trailer that worries me. I don't know maybe it's the Mike Tyson appearance.

Mr. F said...

I think the actors Irish. And yeah the accent came out much more towards the final third. Do directors just not care? Or is it impossible to correct?

Either way, yeah, a couple of little things here and there... Which is what kept it from 5 stars buddy.

And please don't condemn ironside just because he's been so great for long (major payne included). Nobodys perfect. Hating on ironside... he was fine. I didn't even notice to be honest.

Fortune said...

How about UP? That looks pretty good.

Unknown said...

How about land of the lost....kenny powers killing dinasaurs! Then I suggest larry davids new movie.

Mr. F said...

Good call. I'll see Land of the Lost. Thinking about the Larry David movie, but I think it's more of a Woody Allen movie. To be honest... not the hugest Woody Allen fan. But LD? How bad can it be right? He's the funniest dude ever, so....

Pete said...

I'm with Erik on The Hangover trailer. They shouldn't have wasted what could have been a great surprise appearance by Tyson. Also, there are a few too many laughs in the previews. Going in to a comedy I like to have seen nothing that makes me laugh, but still know that it will be great.

For some reason I think the funniest part of the preview is when Galifianakis is in the back seat singing "and we were the three best friends that anyone ever had."

The real pick for the next film to see is one you won't have to go to the theater for. It is "Powder Blue." It went straight to DVD and came out on Tuesday. Jessica Biel plays a stripper and supposedly she gets naked.

Mr. F said...

well something just jumped to #1 on my netflix queue.

Also, I always thought a good idea for a movie would be piecing together a blacked out night of shenanigans. So I'm pretty bummed that my idea is gone. But the again... It was gone years ago when DuDe, where's my car? came out.

Bad omen for the hangover.

That being said. Todd Phillips has a pretty good track record. And despite the trailer errors in judgement this movie looks rad. And I will see it.

Pervitron 3000 said...

Finn, don't forget Mad Max stole my idea for a post-apocalyptic fuel related land war.

wanamaker said...

As for suggestions, what about The Hangover?

I think it should be pretty decent. I like all of the main actors. Although, there's something about the trailer that worries me. I don't know maybe it's the Mike Tyson appearance.

wanamaker said...

How about land of the lost....kenny powers killing dinasaurs! Then I suggest larry davids new movie.

wanamaker said...

How about UP? That looks pretty good.