John Candy... Leon... Doug E. Doug... I know what you're thinking... SPORTS MOVIE GOLD!!!! and you're right!
#24: Cool Runnings
This one didn't make my list... but now that I think about it, I wish it had. Pretty tough to watch that last race scene and not get a little emotional. Good stuff.
I believe I went to see this movie for my 8th birthday party. No regrets .
i believe i watch this movie every time it is on tv, much to the chagrin of my wife. No regrets
I hope these are not so thinly veiled references to a true Mustacheer hero, Tim Riggins.
No regrets.
No, I don't watch Firday Night Lights .... No regrets.
Tim Riggins is gay. How do i feel about saying regrets.
i believe i watch this movie every time it is on tv, much to the chagrin of my wife. No regrets
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