
Google Image Search

Found this pretty interesting.

Do a Google Image search for Henry Cotto and see what you come up with. A few pics of Cotto and then... check about 14 down.

And then... basically the rest of 'em.

Look familiar?

Apparently there aren't too many image searches for the master of the mustache these days.


jimi said...

where is the ongoing ryan leaf coverage

A n D r 0 i D s said...

whoa man, uncalled for!

jimi said...

here, I'll get the coverage started..........former WSU star QB, and arguably the biggest NFL bust of all time, arrested at the US/Canadian border for being a douche bag.

EP said...

Right up there with Steve Emtman

EP said...

Plus the sting of Leaf has worn off, not like the sting of a winless season

jimi said...

how could you.......i don't even know what to ............i thought we were .........it doesn't sting that..........that is such a low.........JERK!!!

Pervitron 3000 said...

that is a pretty nice pool. Glad to see he's got a job outside baseball, FINALLY.


...designed by Henry Cotto.