
Brandon Sorrow

New reports have Brandon Morrow ready to abandon his current role of game destroying relief pitcher, and make the move back to starting pitcher. I haven't seen this much flip-flopping since the end of the Epic video by Faith No More. (No good? How about I haven't seen this much flip-flopping since Kate with Jack and Sawyer on Lost.... still nothing? Well... that's all I got).

I actually think this is good news... I mean it can't get any worse, right?

I know how you guys love surveys... so check it out to the right.

Brandon Morrow Surveys!!!!


Mr. F said...

Wow. No comments huh Mustacheers? I guess I've really alienated most of you with my lack of posts as of late. Or....... maybe you're all just waiting to comment on the best albums of 1991.

Fortune said...

The worst part of this story is how he used his diabetes as one of the reasons why he couldnt be a starter. Now he says he pretty much made that up as an excuse, its not really an issue. Think of all the kids out there with diabetes who told their little league coaches that they now couldnt pitch until the 6th.

Pervitron 3000 said...

how about:

I haven't seen this much flip-flopping since the John Kerry presidential campaign?

I got nothing either...

Pete said...

How about:
I haven't seen this much flip-flopping since I worked the griddle at IHOP during all you can eat pancake week when the number of pancakes consumed is much higher than that of a normal week so even more flipping of pancakes is needed.