
The Blunder....


This guy on Yahoo! Sports already did a good job reporting this, but I had to link to it:


The new Thunder mascot.... he misses all his dunks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

This kills me!


Fuck you OKC.


Pervitron 3000 said...

I noticed they play their games in Ford Center. Now that Ford is projecting a multi-billion dollar loss for 2009, including stock declines of 25% this WEEK, doesn't it seem like they could have been making better investments than an 89 million dollar stadium in fucking Oklahoma City!?

Since the "Thunder" moved to OK, Ford stock is down 80%! Serves em' right for helping to steal a team out from under us. Assholes!

Actually this is sad, I just looked up Key Corporation and they are one of the few tickers on the NYSE doing worse than Ford. Looks like everything associated with the Sonics, er, Thunder franschise is in free-fall.

Erik said...

It's so much better with the sound of the crowd reaction. However, I have to bring something up. Didn't Squatch play the drums on a regular basis? Is there any way that this is the same man in the Bison suit and he has decided to try to sabotage the Old Sonics from the inside? I think that's the only explanation. God, what a man.

Don't Call Me Gabe said...

No way could that have been Squatch, did you see those dance moves!?...the dude danced like a girl, or a gay man i suppose. And if that wasn't evidence enough for yuh...check this out....


wanamaker said...

No way could that have been Squatch, did you see those dance moves!?...the dude danced like a girl, or a gay man i suppose. And if that wasn't evidence enough for yuh...check this out....
