Cindy Brunson digs me!!!

Finn (Seattle, WA): Cougs needed OT to beat the Beavers last night, but a win is a win right? GO COUGS!
Cindy Brunson: (12:12 PM ET ) Amen Finn. I tuned in when the Cougs were down by double digits -painful. Doubt Wazzu will have a shot to make the tournament but at least they're competing!
I wish I could say the same for her faith in the Cougs.
I love the fact ESPN finds all these analysts to come in and share their knowledge with us. For those of you who didnt happen to catch the game last night let me break something down for you:
With 14:16 left in the 2nd half Calvin Haynes (who I believe thinks he is the second coming of Kobe) hit a 3 to strech the Beavs lead to 41-32. Klay then follows with a beautiful assist to Capers who actually finishs it instead of blowing what would've been a sweet oop. Then Haynes drives and throws up a prayer to make it 43-34. Coach of the Year Bennett has seen enough and takes a timeout at the 13:34 mark.
In this timeout I can only imagine that Coach of the Year Bennett huddles the boys up and quietly tells them that they are playing the F'n Oregon State Beavers and that Calvin Haynes isnt Kobe Bryant and Lathen Wallace isnt even good enough to start for the Oregon State Beavers. Coach of the Year Bennett would've had to scream this at his team, but since it was only a timeout and the shotclock wasn't getting under 10 seconds, nobody in the crowd seemed to make a peep. Back to the game:
With this new found inspiration the Cougs hold the Beavs to 1 basket the next 7 minutes of the game. They also discover that Roeland Schaftenaar's skinny ass doesn't have a prayer down on the block with the Big Aussie and we cut the lead to 1. It then goes back and forth, Taylor tries to win his second game in a row, thank goodness he didnt airball it against Stanford. Baynes then pulls his best D-Cast (being a longtime Verizon Wireless customer for some reason I cant stop calling him that) impression and blocks what could've been a game winning shot. We go to overtime and blah, blah, blah, COUGS WIN! COUGS WIN!!
So Cindy Brunson as you can clearly see the Cougs largest deficit was 9 points. So unless you consider that 09 points, it looks like single digits to me.
We were down 9 points a few times between 14-12 minutes left in the game. The game started at 6pm so it's safe to say it would be 7.15ish. This equals 10.15 out there on the left coast. This leaves us with two possibilities...
1. Cindy was the judge of a KD Lang look-a-like contest down at the Indigo Lounge. It ended around 9 PM. Distraught the woman she voted for didnt win, she takes a few more shots and walks home. The booze hits her when she walks inside and quickly tunes her tv to FSN NW.
2. Cindy gets caught up at World Wide Leader and is getting real stressed out. Its just past 7:45 and there is no way she will have time get to Golden Pagoda to pick up dinner and stop at the dry cleaner to get their "I Love Gil Grissom" T-Shirts so she calls her partner and she gets the take out. She gets home and between the 2 of them they put down 3 bottle Pinot reminiscing about their favorite cases and how bad it hurts that just when you get over losing Warrick... Her and her partner get finish getting their jammies on and brushing their teeth. The hop in bed and in their drunken haze decide the best thing to do is turn on FSN NW.
You know Cindy is a married (to a man) and a Cougar (in every sense of the word) right?
Nope. But how do you know? Did she tell you? You obviously cant believe a word that comes out of her mouth
Sounds like the two of you fruit cakes are vying for Cindy's love...Finn is winning right now.
I woke up early this morning and turned on the 6AM Sportscenter. Guess who was staring right in my face, you guessed it Cindy Brunson. Ill have to admit she looks much better in HD than she does cropped into this blog. With my wife and child still asleep there was only one thing I could do... Scream for my wife to bring me the remote so I could get this "woman who I am sure is a really nice person yet I feel is a liar" off my screen.
Yeah right Fortune, you probably pulled a "ride back from Pullman and everybody else is asleep tug job."
...... too soon?
I love the fact ESPN finds all these analysts to come in and share their knowledge with us. For those of you who didnt happen to catch the game last night let me break something down for you:
With 14:16 left in the 2nd half Calvin Haynes (who I believe thinks he is the second coming of Kobe) hit a 3 to strech the Beavs lead to 41-32. Klay then follows with a beautiful assist to Capers who actually finishs it instead of blowing what would've been a sweet oop. Then Haynes drives and throws up a prayer to make it 43-34. Coach of the Year Bennett has seen enough and takes a timeout at the 13:34 mark.
In this timeout I can only imagine that Coach of the Year Bennett huddles the boys up and quietly tells them that they are playing the F'n Oregon State Beavers and that Calvin Haynes isnt Kobe Bryant and Lathen Wallace isnt even good enough to start for the Oregon State Beavers. Coach of the Year Bennett would've had to scream this at his team, but since it was only a timeout and the shotclock wasn't getting under 10 seconds, nobody in the crowd seemed to make a peep. Back to the game:
With this new found inspiration the Cougs hold the Beavs to 1 basket the next 7 minutes of the game. They also discover that Roeland Schaftenaar's skinny ass doesn't have a prayer down on the block with the Big Aussie and we cut the lead to 1. It then goes back and forth, Taylor tries to win his second game in a row, thank goodness he didnt airball it against Stanford. Baynes then pulls his best D-Cast (being a longtime Verizon Wireless customer for some reason I cant stop calling him that) impression and blocks what could've been a game winning shot. We go to overtime and blah, blah, blah, COUGS WIN! COUGS WIN!!
So Cindy Brunson as you can clearly see the Cougs largest deficit was 9 points. So unless you consider that 09 points, it looks like single digits to me.
We were down 9 points a few times between 14-12 minutes left in the game. The game started at 6pm so it's safe to say it would be 7.15ish. This equals 10.15 out there on the left coast. This leaves us with two possibilities...
1. Cindy was the judge of a KD Lang look-a-like contest down at the Indigo Lounge. It ended around 9 PM. Distraught the woman she voted for didnt win, she takes a few more shots and walks home. The booze hits her when she walks inside and quickly tunes her tv to FSN NW.
2. Cindy gets caught up at World Wide Leader and is getting real stressed out. Its just past 7:45 and there is no way she will have time get to Golden Pagoda to pick up dinner and stop at the dry cleaner to get their "I Love Gil Grissom" T-Shirts so she calls her partner and she gets the take out. She gets home and between the 2 of them they put down 3 bottle Pinot reminiscing about their favorite cases and how bad it hurts that just when you get over losing Warrick... Her and her partner get finish getting their jammies on and brushing their teeth. The hop in bed and in their drunken haze decide the best thing to do is turn on FSN NW.
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