
Round of 32, 1st Half

The 2nd Round of Seattle March Madness is upon us.... much like that "other" tournament.

Here' the first half of matchups from this round, some very intriguing battles:

1. Walter Jones


9. Marcus Trufant

Seahawks fotobal. Offense vs. Defense. MADNESS!!!!

5. Mike Cameron


4. Ray Allen

Both players created large fan bases in their short time with Seattle. Both enjoyed playoff runs and all-star appearance. MADNESS!!!!

6. Randy Johnson


3. Matt Hasselbeck

Arguably the MVPs of their squads. One has too much hair, the other not enough. MADNESS!!!!

10. Detlef Schrempf


2. Shawn Kemp

Two starting forwards on the title run. MADNESS!!!!
1. Edgar Martinez


9. Paul Allen

One brought a batting title to Seattle, one brought a NFC title to Seattle. MADNESS!!!!

12. Sue Bird


4. Alvin Davis

Sue Bird is hot and Alvin Davis won Rookie of the Year like 50 years ago. MADNESS!!!!!

11. Rickey Watters


3. Kevin Calabro

Kevin better win.

7. Lofa Tatupu


15. Steve Scheffler

Two fan favorites, for very, very different reasons. MADNESS!!!!

Get in on the MADNESS!!! VOTE!!!

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