
Tourney Update

I'm not the kind of guy to say I told you so.... but....

I told you so.

Pay attention to the paragraph about UW. Nothing else.

Really a shame how Overton's "defense" finally caught up with him this game. Couldn't have happened to a classier, nicer, cleaner player. Good luck playing 3Ball.

Look, part of me feels bad. But a lot doesn't. I dunno.


EP said...

Wow- venomous....It is funny how a team finally mans up to UW and pushes them aound a little (like Brockman has been doing all year) and it sounded like the fans at the "neutral site" were about to cry. I can't stand Brockman but he did have one helluva game. Get ready for the Clay Thompson show next year!

Mr. F said...

You're right this was mean. Apologies to the Jusky faithful who grace this site.

Mr. F said...

Ha... I mean Husky. haha.

jimi said...

First I want to make it very clear that as one of the Heroes of this website, EP i have nothing but gratitude to just be posting in the same vicinity as you. And i agree with you. I can't stand players who go out and work harder than everyone else everyday, who understand their limitations and play to their strengths, who rebound and play defense and rebound and rebound and rebound on a team that couldn't hit the water if it fell out of a boat, who bolsters his reputation and leads with his actions/play and not his mouth, and who produced double/double after double/double. yeah i'm with ya, i can't stand players like that.

EP said...

Good. I'm glad we are in agreement.